To be ready to start reading, children need to have a variety of skills in place. We start to develop a childs understanding of vocabulary, speaking and listening, being read to, supporting and extending their skills as they begin their literacy journey.
We encourage developing interests in numbers and counting, making comparisons, sorting and matching objects, and beginning to recognise numbers and shapes showing awareness of their existence within the environment. These key skills support them to solve problems.
Development of children's knowledge, skills, and understanding that help them to make
sense of the world. Opportunities for children to use a range of tools safely, encounter
creatures, people, plants, and objects in their natural environments, and work with a
range of materials.
Understanding the world involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment.
Develop and improve children's skills of coordination, control, manipulation, and movement, using their senses to learn about the world around them and make connections between new information and what they already know. We encourage children to learn the importance of good health which includes physical exercise and a healthy diet.
Our children make music, sing songs, dance, and are encouraged to experiment with being creative. They safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.
Our children enjoy being imaginative - children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about uses and purposes. They represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through activities.
PSED is one of the three prime areas within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Each prime area is divided into early learning goals, for PSED these are:
• Self-confidence and self-awareness - children are confident to try new activities and say why they like some activities more than others. They are confident to speak in a familiar group, will talk about their ideas, and will choose the resources they need for their chosen activities. They say when they do or don't need help.
• Managing feelings and behaviour - children talk about how they and others show feelings, talk about their own and others behaviour, its consequences, and learn about unacceptable behaviour. They work as part of a group or class and understand and follow the rules. They adjust their behaviour to different situations and take changes of routine in their stride.
• Making relationships - children play cooperatively, taking turns with others. They take account of one another's ideas about how to organise their activity. They show sensitivity to others' needs and feelings, and form positive relationships with adults and other children.
Rotherfield Village Pre-School Limited
Recreation Ground, North Street, Rotherfield, TN6 3LX