As we know, transitioning children to primary school is a big change for children and their families.
Our pre-school room ‘Oaks’ including its layout and curriculum, is designed to ensure our children are ready. We provide opportunities for children to develop confidence and feel a sense of achievement through activities such as setting the table for snack time and practicing dressing and undressing themselves.
We talk about feelings and our emotion monsters with stories to enable children to have a greater understanding of how they feel and why, and that it is ok to feel whatever we feel.
Our children are open to a wealth of opportunity at Rotherfield Pre-school and we feel that using the Hygge and Curiosity Approach enables the children to feel like they can explore, ask questions, experiment and use their imagination.
This is turn creates happy, confident, well-adjusted young children, whose wellbeing and involvement is at its prime before they begin school.
Children benefit from art and crafts, messy play, carpet activities, sensory activities such as water and sand, and a joyful home corner where children can be involved in imaginative play.
We have a wonderful outdoor area where children can be at one with nature. Our growing garden and hidden woodland provide freedom to explore and be physical with no constraints and our pre-school garden provides sand, water, bikes and a mud kitchen.
We feel at Rotherfield pre-school our children show remarkable ability for exploration, imagination and decision making, which ensures the pre-school is an enjoyable place to be for all our children.
Primary School Applications - East Sussex
Rotherfield Village Pre-School Limited
Recreation Ground, North Street, Rotherfield, TN6 3LX